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Standardization and process optimization

Optimized processes for your facility


We support you in providing economical and high-quality patient care with satisfied employees for satisfied patients through optimized and lean processes.


Efficient processes are essential for medical facilities: They help to minimize errors and complications, thus contributing to a better quality of care and greater patient safety.

At the same time, they enable the optimal utilization of scarce resources by reducing waste and lowering costs. In addition, efficient processes contribute to employee job satisfaction. Both factors are extremely important given the financial challenges and the ongoing shortage of skilled labor faced by many healthcare facilities.

2perspectives I Consulting I Standardization & Process Optimization I EFFICIENT PROCESSES - OF THE HIGHEST RELEVANCE Picture


In many inpatient and outpatient facilities, outdated processes dominate daily operations. Decisions are often made in self-interest rather than for the benefit of the entire facility. A patient-centered approach along the care pathway is frequently neglected, and interdisciplinary collaboration is not genuinely practiced across professional groups. This hinders cross-departmental networking and leaves optimization potentials untapped.

Attempts at process optimization and standardization often fail due to poor methodology. Instead of holistic evaluations, only partial optimizations are pursued, which rarely lead to the desired success. The potential of digital solutions is often not fully utilized due to a lack of foundational structures in the digital system architecture, complicating the successful implementation of efficient digital solutions.


At 2perspectives, we think along the lines of the "greenfield approach". By completely "rethinking" processes and structures, we consciously break away from the historical development of individual medical and non-medical areas. Interdisciplinary workshops are used to rethink processes and structures – accounting for new digital possibilities and the use of medical technology innovations.

With the help of the holistic approach across professions and departments, it is much easier to account for many influencing factors and interfaces and achieve an optimization result that does justice to the entire hospital.

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With the help of the Green Field approach, the processes of the entire facility are rethought holistically - detached from historically anchored processes and structures.


We support our clients on the way to optimized and standardized processes in five steps!


Recording the initial situation

Every project begins with a thorough analysis of existing operational processes. This includes quantitative data analyses, demand calculations, on-site inspections, and qualitative interviews with the relevant process participants.


Identification of opportunities for improvement

In close dialogue with our clients, we identify weaknesses and inefficiencies in current workflows. From this, we derive potential improvements and targets for the subsequent design phase.


Development of customized "greenfield" solutions

In the conceptual phase, we develop an action program for process optimization and standardization in interdisciplinary workshops, precisely tailored to the needs and challenges of your facility. We follow the Greenfield approach and encourage your employees to leave existing processes and structures behind and rethink them from scratch. This allows all relevant workflows to be specifically improved and established at a high level of standardization.


Preparation for implementation

All measures are developed in close consultation with the client and then set out in detail in an overall concept: this concept includes both the implementation scenarios for the identified measures as well as binding schedules and responsibilities. We also prepare all the necessary decision-making documents for the relevant committees and templates for controlling implementation.


Implementation support

We support our clients during implementation! Together, we ensure that the optimized processes are sustainably implemented in the company structures and that the desired optimization goals are achieved.


Optimization of the patient process from pre- to post-inpatient care

  • Optimization of the entire process from the patient's perspective - including standardization of stay planning, billing processes and service documentation
  • Standardization with regard to patient management through the inpatient/outpatient setting - including optimization options in the area of post-inpatient care
  • Support with the implementation of digital solutions, e.g. in the area of transport service optimization
2perspectives I Consulting I Standardization & process optimization I Services I Optimization of the patient process from pre- to post-inpatient Image

Optimization of the organization of consultation hours in (university) outpatient clinics / medical centers

  • Slot planning for outpatient consultations and planning room utilization in unit logic
  • Optimization of the entire workflow process in outpatient clinics/medical centers - from scheduling to (inpatient) further treatment of patients
  • Optimization of documentation and billing processes
  • Development of interdisciplinary consultation/outpatient clinic operating concepts
2perspectives I Consulting I Standardization & process optimization I Services I Optimization of consultation hour organization in (university) outpatient clinics/MVZs Image

Process optimization in central emergency departments

  • Comprehensive procedural concept development for centralized emergency departments, taking into account all regulatory requirements
  • Development of optimal patient processes with a high degree of standardization: from registration to outpatient or inpatient further care of patients
  • Cross-sector emergency care, accounting for all stakeholder requirements
2perspectives I Consulting I Standardization & process optimization I Services I Process optimization in central emergency departments Image

Optimization of length of stay time control

  • Optimization of the inpatient process with a view to optimizing the length of stay - from stay planning to post-inpatient care
  • Implementation of digital support systems and length of stay control mechanisms to increase transparency
2perspectives I Consulting I Standardization & process optimization I Services I Optimization of dwell time management Image


We support you not only with optimization projects along the patient process, but also in various other administrative and support areas. These include, for example, the optimization of billing, the digitalization of HR processes, or the improvement of food supply. Contact us for customized consulting services to increase the efficiency of your facility and improve healthcare!


Comprehensive understanding of processes and many years of expertise

At 2perspectives, we combine first-class analytics and methodology with many years of expertise in all aspects of inpatient and outpatient processes. Our 360-degree view of resource availability and processes enables us to identify and realize the full potential of your facility.

We understand the connections between the individual processes and know the effects of optimizations on upstream and downstream processes. Together we maximize your success!

Effective stakeholder management

A process cannot be designed in isolation from those involved in the day-to-day of that process. In interdisciplinary workshops with various professional groups, we work together to develop an optimization concept that takes all relevant interests into account. Our transparent presentations based on facts and figures allow us to clearly and convincingly communicate management decisions and optimization measures. In this way, we ensure that the common interests of management and employees are not overshadowed by individual interests.

Database for digital process optimization

Our continuously growing database of solutions and trends enables us to comprehensively analyze all digital and innovative solutions for the healthcare sector available on the market. Based on the information from the database and our many years of consulting expertise, we can specifically identify and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the respective solutions.

This enables us to accurately select the most suitable solution options tailored to the individual needs of our clients. Together with you, we then integrate digital work facilitation into the daily processes of your organization!

Clients Standardization and process optimization


Do you regularly face challenges in your facility that are exacerbated by inefficient processes and non-integrated workflows? Would you like to optimize your processes to improve both efficiency and the satisfaction of your patients and employees? Contact us for a customized consultation offer!

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