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Strategy and realignment

Strategic realignment for sustainable success


The growing challenges in the healthcare sector require innovative strategies. We are your partner for the successful realignment of your facility and the sustainable strengthening of your competitive position.


Low revenues, increasing cost pressure, a shortage of specialists - these are the challenges facing healthcare providers. The financial difficulties faced by many facilities have worsened dramatically in recent years. While it is becoming increasingly difficult to provide services economically, patient expectations regarding the quality and accessibility of services are rising.

In view of these challenges, a strategically competitive positioning is more important than ever for medical facilities. We provide our clients with competent and reliable support.

In such a constantly changing environment, simply optimizing operations within existing structures is often no longer sufficient. Rather, a rethinking of strategies is required to ensure economic stability, long-term success, and high-quality patient care.


Successful strategic realignment- according to the “greenfield approach”- requires breaking away from existing structures and thought patterns in order to create space for change.

In order to have a positive influence on the process, we involve your employees from the outset and actively involve those responsible for the project. We consider comprehensive and consistent communication to be a decisive success factor in minimizing resistance and gaining commitment to change.

With effective change management - from joint concept development to the implementation of measures - we ensure that the project objective can be achieved as planned, even under changing conditions. The financial sustainability of the selected measures ensures economic stability and the long-term success of the realignment.

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Our focus is on developing targeted strategies for medical service providers as well as digital solution providers and MedTech companies that meet current and long-term requirements, and ensure economic success, while at the same time taking the needs of patients into account. Whether in response to financial challenges, a move to a new hospital building, or changes in the market environment, we understand that the reasons for realigning a strategy are diverse and must be addressed according to the situation.

Specifically, we support our clients in the following strategic realignments:

  • Conception of sustainable medical strategies and location concepts
  • Development of individually tailored strategies for medical and outpatient centers
  • Development of promising sales and go-to-market strategies for medical service providers, digital solution providers and MedTech companies

Our proven, five-stage approach enables us to take the individual circumstances of your organization into account:

Step 1: Analysis of the initial situation

A comprehensive understanding of your facility's medical, economic, and structural situation forms the basis for customized strategic realignment and competitive positioning. We rely not only on quantitative analyses but also on qualitative methods such as inspections and interviews with employees and experts.

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Step 2: Strategy and scenario design

Based on the results of the initial analysis, various strategies and scenarios are developed in joint workshops and defined for subsequent simulation and discussion.

2perspectives I Consulting I Strategy & realignment I Procedure I Step 2: Strategy and scenario conception

Step 3: Simulation of scenarios & prioritization

Our business case approach enables flexible scenario modeling: it is open to individual adjustments, allowing different variables to be included. We integrate economic, demographic, and regulatory factors to simulate varying scenarios.

2perspectives I Consulting I Strategy & realignment I Procedure I Step 3: Simulation of scenarios & prioritization

Step 4: Discussion & recommendation

Based on the results of the initial analysis and the scenario simulation, we develop a concrete strategy for action in a joint discussion. Here, we deliberately rely on an interdisciplinary composition of the project group, accounting for the various concerns from a medical, nursing, and medical-technical perspective.

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Step 5: Implementation support

With our implementation concept, we offer a clear, detailed plan for realizing the developed strategy and associated measures. We support you not only in the implementation of the strategic measures but also in decision-making and communication with relevant decision-makers.

2perspectives I Consulting I Strategy & realignment I Procedure I Step 5: Implementation support

Hospital Agatharied

Successful Outpatient Surgery

Agatharied Hospital demonstrates that outpatient surgery can be successful even without significant state support. Together with the client, 2perspectives developed a strategy to create efficient outpatient surgery structures. Key success factors for overcoming the numerous challenges include the strict separation of outpatient and inpatient areas, independent team structures and a high degree of standardization.

2perspectives I client success story hospital hallway


In-depth industry expertise

Our industry knowledge and expertise enable us to strategically realign your organization in a targeted manner. We are familiar with the unique challenges and opportunities in the healthcare sector and understand the needs of all stakeholders. When it comes to strategic realignment, we rely on our comprehensive analytical and methodological expertise to ensure that our recommendations are based on facts and figures at all times.

Working in partnership on equal footing

We develop strategic concepts and measures together with you in close partnership and on equal footing: This is the best way to ensure that the individual characteristics, goals, and possibilities of your facility along with regional specifics of care are fully and comprehensively taken into account. In our view, sustainable success is only achieved when all recommendations developed are both effective and precisely tailored to the needs of our clients.

Comprehensive stakeholder management for sustainable success

We know that strategic realignments in both inpatient and outpatient care can create significant uncertainty and thus a considerable need for discussion - not only among political decision-makers but also among the population itself. Serious internal resistance to change can also arise.

It is precisely in such situations that we use our comprehensive stakeholder management expertise to ensure that the benefits and advantages of a realignment are communicated clearly and effectively. This is also the best way to ensure the successful implementation of the decided measures.

Client strategy and realignment


Benefit from our many years of expertise in strategic realignment and secure the future of your facility together with us! Do not hesitate to contact us to receive an offer tailored to your individual needs!

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